Beautiful Music

Purifying Your Intention/Fear

Purifying Your Intention Sifu To exist in a physical body without creating muscular tension is difficult, but for a consciousness to become pure is even more difficult. Why do you think that is? Vince It’s because we spend most of our lives in a state of blindness while associating with other blind consciousness in the

History of the Buddhas – Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva

Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva | Avalokitesvara   Full spiritual name: Complete kind, complete care, thousand hand, thousand eye, Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva   Sanskrit: Avalokitesvara Chinese: Guan Yin / Kwan Yin / Kuan Yin Mantra: 2 mantras associated with Guan Yin:   – Om Mani Padme Hom     – Great Compassion Mantra      

Four Steps to a Peaceful Heart

First Step Make sure all of your intention comes from the heart as pure good intention towards every life. When bad intention comes from the heart, stay calm and peaceful; do not engage with it, do not become involved with it, do not hold onto it. Make no judgments. If you do not follow it

Life Is Perfect

Introduction Sifu: From my studies and even before I began to study, I understood two things that match each other perfectly. The first thing I learned comes from Buddhism: life is perfect. Before I learned this, back when I was born, I carried a deep awareness by heart, a feeling of life: life is perfect.