True freedom is not trying to get something – true freedom is when you don’t try to get anything.

Forward from Tim “ True freedom is not trying to get something; True freedom is when you don’t try to get anything. And enjoy the will, developing wisdom to help others 😄🙏 “ Wow.. there are so many amazing philosophies from your classes over the years.. thank you for helping me to realize for myself,

Whatever you connect to is whatever you are

Whatever you connect is whatever you are You connect to blindness you are that blindness. But that blindness is not you. Because blindness is not you, you have a chance to get away from it. If you connect to, ‘seeing-through your blindness’, awakening appears. Awakening is the result when you see-through blindness. Awakening is the

Mantra of Metta – Pure Equal Heart Great Will Perfect Intention Towards Every Life Meditation

Mantra of Metta Pure Equal Heart Great Will Perfect Intention Towards Every Life Meditation. Causation: Mantra taught by Siddhartha Buddha to help any consciousness to develop a strong will, to develop an open heart out of suffering, and compassion towards every life. Sound: Sound:   Translation: Mantra repeats 2nd verse after every type

10 Ways to leave the human body

10 Ways to leave the human body  Past karma Present life Causation – 6 different  Suicide Sickness War Overuse Accident/injury  Murder  (Devil and ghost 1 and 2) Neutral old age without sickness  Harmony energy training  Angry god energy training  Good ego energy god religion training  3 of 4 empty self being lifestyle meditation – Rohan 

Amitabha Buddha’s 48 Wills

Pure Land of Unlimited Joy The Pure Land will remain pure; there will be no bad karma. What you develop you won’t lose; your level will never decrease. You will have an energy body made of golden light. You will have 32 perfect Buddha features. Every consciousness in the Pure Land will be perfect in