Two Buddha-Essence Meditations

In order to climb even the highest mountain in the world, you have to start from the lowest point. You can understand this wisdom today, but it will take you a million lifetimes to feel it from your heart. Buddha’s First Essence Meditation Buddha essence is in you: it wants to teach you to become

The Six Bodhisattva Characters: Wisdom and Wisdom poem

The Six Bodhisattva Characters are Generosity, Discipline, Patience, Concentration, Meditation, and Wisdom. When the first five Bodhisattva Characters are fully developed, then Wisdom will appear. The main wisdom of a bodhisattva is the wisdom to be aware of the truth of life. The truth of life has two parts united as one: the forms of


Intuition is the result of wisdom, just as fruit is the result of flowers. When you have learned many philosophies and are able to follow and live in them, your intuition ability will develop naturally. Complete intuition is directly aware of the truth beneath the surface, without thinking. This happens when you have perfectly developed