Tai Chi – 4 controls

Each move has a transition to where feet stop, then hands flow to finish in a pose Relax transition flow still has centre laser line balloon chest, but less charge than final pose Otherwise you build tension 4 Different angles of Tai Chi action control – to create Yin Yang Extreme Harmony Moving Meditation Charge

Zhang Sanfeng – Tai Ji

Zhang Sanfeng – Tai Ji Awareness To have a life means to be sensitive, to be aware of more. If you can’t be delicately and sensitively aware of your body, then you are not aware of life. If you don’t take awareness of your body as your main value, you are blind to the principal

The balanced way of consciousness development

1. Stay sharp without ambition: You can reach far. 2. Stay free without tension: You can understand more. 3. Hold nothing, but observe everything: You can see deeper.   Details: 1. Stay sharp without ambition you can reach far.   Example: Learning the Taiji martial art form: First get rid of fear and worry from

What is worry?

Worry is a strong feeling of concern that you might experience about a temporary situation in the present or future. Because you are focused on your worry, you blind yourself to many of the variables involved in that situation. Eventually, your worry will cause depression, obsession, and anxiety. Although worry is a psychological phenomenon, it

The Law of Martial Art God: Weapon Training

Discipline 1: Pose and Feeling Control Start with the pose, as if being eternal, ending with silence, as if there is no time. Beginning with any pose, you must concentrate fully, without fear, and feel as if the whole universe is focused on you as its centre. Trust yourself as if you control the entire