The most awesome lucky karma is sharing
The most awesome lucky karma is sharing Observe the eternal truth of the life. Which is the only chance to get out of blind suffering from reincarnation And understanding the unlimited joy of Nirvana
The most awesome lucky karma is sharing Observe the eternal truth of the life. Which is the only chance to get out of blind suffering from reincarnation And understanding the unlimited joy of Nirvana
Five developments are Empty Because Illusion being is Empty So our feelings, thinking, Actions and experience are all Empty In Empty, Heart is free and Joy, out of Ego Dream illusion and relief all suffering and pain, into No beginning No end Pure Dharma of Kindness Heart Begins.
Levels of Compassion Compassion appears because there’s no compassion. Compassion is a goal, because we don’t have natural compassion. Compassion first appears as unsure compassion. Compassion then appears as forbearance compassion. Spiritual level of Compassion is to help weaker life out of their suffering which brings you joy. Compassion – to be continued… 🙂
Most of the time – we live with our combination blind feeling habits We’re controlled by these blind suffering feelings and are not able to observe them because we don’t develop wisdom discipline to recreate positive joyful feelings. Discipline to observe self being and the truth of life. It is the main key to successfully
What does “Spiritual” mean to a child? Sifu: When you heard the words “spiritual reality” or “Spirits” when you were a child, what did you think of? Tim Pig: Magic. Michelle: Ghosts. JC: The essence of something: its soul. Simon: Some kind of power. Scott: I thought of angels. Sean Rat: The power that is