Immortal Meditation Technique

Immortal Meditation Technique Breathing and warm up Create temple hand pose As you breathe in rotate the pinky-finger side of the hands in towards the body and up like a ball in and up and then rolling away from you, pulling the low stomach in and lifting the chest up and forward gently and raising

The Five Developments: Two Parts of Life

The Five Developments are a sequence of ideas that describe how you create your experiences or awareness boundary. (Your awareness boundary is the limitation of your consciousness, e.g. how far you can see, the level of your education, or your emotional maturity.) The ideas consist of two different concepts: Illusion Being and consciousness. Illusion Being


Many people believe that consciousness (thinking power is called brain consciousness) is uniquely human. The French philosopher René Descartes proposed the philosophy of “I think, therefore I am”, but if that is the case then you don’t exist because when you were a baby, you couldn’t think. So that idea is wrong. Animals also don’t


In Western culture, “brain” is the same as “consciousness”. In Buddhism, your brain is only a tool that connects to consciousness, like your eyes or ears. Consciousness is the ability to be aware of everything (our own physical senses and the surroundings). This ability has six functions and exists without form. The relationship between consciousness,