True Wisdom: No Ego to Observe Ego

True Wisdom: No Ego to Observe Ego   Summary: The concept of “true karma” or “reality” is based on the idea that our intentions, thoughts, words, and actions are interconnected and impact the world around us. Buddha taught that every lifeform has the potential to choose between the “blind gate” or the “awakened gate” in

Middle Way Observing Development

Middle Way Observing Development Summary:Appreciate the Spiritual Development,Observe the Blind Ego without Ego,Middle Way Observing Development Explanation:What do we observe?We observe all what we truly appreciate/value.Appreciate/value is a feeling.It is a joyful feeling.It is Appreciate Heart.It is a Respectful HeartIt is a Willing Heart.So you observe if you are those Hearts or not, during the

Wu Wei – The System of No-I into Pure Land

Wu Wei – The System of No-I into Pure Land It means there is a system to make everything run without having to have an I intention into it. Just perfectly doing it. For examples just look to nature: the planets rotating around in space; clouds rolling in the wind; waves breaking on the beach.

Amazing Pure-land karma need to purify the muddy dirt to grow a beautiful lotus

Friday class summary Amazing Pure-land karma need to purify the muddy dirt to grow a beautiful lotus Blind consciousness blindly support their own ego. Awakened consciousness, See-through ego as an illusion. Ego comes from: 4 causation, and everything that comes from others has no self. Observing that ego is an illusion, as empty as a

The Meditation Manual: Introduction to the Dan Tian

In the first part of this short manual we combine several subjects into a foundation to help you develop and train meditation. The subjects are: The Shurangama Sutra – from Buddhist philosophy The 3 Tians – from Daoist Philosophy The 7 Chakras – from the Hindu texts called the Vedas The Heart Sutra from Buddhist