How to build External Pure Land

Direct Heart, Deep Heart, Awakened Heart and Sincere Heart. Recording 23/12/2018 How to develop External Pure Land? Introduction to answer from Siddhartha Buddha teaching in Pure Name Buddha Book: External Pure Land come from your intention. But that cannot appear until inside pure first. So first you have to build Internal Pure Land. How to

Notes from Pure Lotus Temple

Speaking a lot of nonsense reduces your wisdom. When your heart feels insecure, stressed, upset. If you follow it. It is no good. If you separate yourself from it and observe it. You can learn a lot of wisdom from it. Any karma is no form. It is created by consciousness, which has no form.

How to develop and create Bodhisattva Character of Discipline from Pure Name Buddha.

Teaching from Shifu at Switzerland by the amazing, beautiful, zen Waterfall: How to develop and create Bodhisattva Character of Discipline from Pure Name Buddha. DISCIPLINE The way to create discipline is to continually create new disciplines and develop the ones already created. That way the life habit becomes more and more disciplined. Practice disciplines without

2 ways that can help us develop Internal Pure Land.

I enjoyed these notes from Pure Lotus Temple. 2 ways that can help us develop Internal Pure Land. —————- Observing Self Being Boddhisattva is almost equal to Namo Amitabha Buddha (Same principle) All want to help you back to pureness, back to Essence, pure no beginning no end eternal heart. Both help you into internal

Follow Amitabha pureland

Follow Amitabha Pure land, give you a chance to be – Eternal Dharma joy Observer And free from trapped in blind directors and suffering actors illusion 😄🙏💚🐉