What is your home?

Back to Sydney  Home  –  is where you know from heart , there are people you truly love , respect , develop wisdom together and care of … To follow our spiritual will is our eternal home  So lucky  we have such wonderful group sharing true value of life together.  

The True Definition of Heart in Buddhist Philosophy

What is The Definition of Heart in Buddhism? Sifu: What is the temporary heart? What is the true heart? Are they different? Are they the same? Do they both exist? Or do both not exist? Or does one exist? Which one is our heart? Ok, I will cover all! In this post we will talk

Innocence, Pure and Naïve : Unlocking the Big Secrets to a Masterpiece of a Life

Innocence, Pure and Naïve: Unlocking the Big Secrets to a Masterpiece of a Life “Innocence, Pure and naive – are three words that may seem interchangeable but, in reality, hold vastly different meanings. Imagine innocence as a blank canvas, pure as a masterfully painted masterpiece, and naive as a canvas smeared with the wrong colours.

What is the best holiday?

For Anyone in Holiday or who just had holidays…   Best holiday is – Holiday from your blindness and ego Best paradise is – Natural Self-Being with pure kind, care, joy, and freedom

Purify your own ego is important…

Tell everyone, “purify our own ego is important, because, true peace and joy only comes from there.”