7 Chakras

7 Chakras   Definition of Meridian Lines and Nerve Points: Meridian lines – a meridian in our body is just like a freeway system in a country. It helps transfer various types of information to different parts. The connection points between meridian lines – the nerve points, would be just like freeway junctions, which allow

Secrets of Shadow Boxing

What you are learning in martial arts is the highest martial art in the Earth, in all of history. From “human” history there is no one who can develop this. It has a name.   Wisdom Fight: Shadow Boxing The highest way for self-defence is not to use your power, the principle is to reach

No-I Martial arts training: Seated

No-I Martial Arts Lie down Start to flow your energy Flow your whole body energy as one piece Flow lighter and lighter until searching heart slows down Return back to neutral, balanced, harmony, flowing all the energy around your body to let go of everything. Everything that you hold in your body as tense. Start

Beginner Buddhism Class – Schedule

Buddhism class Progression   1. Class one – Where does Buddhism come from / five ways it appears on Earth Religion style Cultural style Mental style Greed, fame style Practical wisdom style Bodhidharma story  Chi gong 6 steps to understand Buddhism   2. Class two Essence Function goal of Buddhism  Compare secret Story of Tim

Stretching Sequence

Twice a day is awesome… but once is still good 🙂 Influences from: Fu Shi, Bodhidharma, Zhang Seng Feng, Sifu, Inspiration from the following in no particular order: Benjamin Cullen, Vincent Keogh, Sean Rigelsford, Sean Aalders, Simon Colman, Petrit Muhadri, Zorro, Michelle Ser and Matthew Wlazlo. Fundamentals: 5 breaths for all abs lightly switched on