Zhang Sanfeng – Tai Ji

Zhang Sanfeng – Tai Ji Awareness To have a life means to be sensitive, to be aware of more. If you can’t be delicately and sensitively aware of your body, then you are not aware of life. If you don’t take awareness of your body as your main value, you are blind to the principal


Part One: Forbearance Sifu: There are some people who keep losing things: they are always looking for something but can’t find it. Where does this habit come from? Red Bull: Carelessness. Sifu: Where does that come from? Scott: Being too busy. Red Bull: From being too lazy to be precise. Sean Pig: They have a

Differences between Eastern and Western Martial Arts

Comparing Western Physical Training and Eastern Martial Arts 1. Westerners concentrate on building up their bodies and are more concerned with their appearance than their performance. If people were racing cars, Westerners would only be interested in the shell. Eastern martial arts are not about caring how big that shell is, but how aerodynamic and

Kung fu

The original idea of kung fu has nothing to do with the martial arts. “Kung” means the time devoted to working on something. “Fu” means a tough guy or an intelligent person. When put together, the phrase describes somebody who works hard at a task. Chinese people even use this to make jokes about their

Meridian Lines

A meridian in our body is just like a freeway through a city: it helps transfer various types of vehicles (information) to different areas. The connection points between meridian lines – the nerve points – are like freeway junctions which allow cars to pass through without blocking traffic. When a nerve point gets blocked, it