Living into our own intention

Sifu joined some philosophies together to help me understand high level consciousness discipline – maybe called Being stage of discipline*: Causation > Main cause > Intention / thinking/ speaking / action 5 developments> Illusion Being, receiving, thinking, acting, awareness Life is perfect>  unlimited potential, 4 eternal hearts: Kind without ego, care without negative personal, joy

Levels of compassion

Levels of Compassion Compassion appears because there’s no compassion. Compassion is a goal, because we don’t have natural compassion. Compassion first appears as unsure compassion.  Compassion then appears as forbearance compassion. Spiritual level of Compassion is to help weaker life out of their suffering which brings you joy. Compassion – to be continued… 🙂

True freedom is not trying to get something – true freedom is when you don’t try to get anything.

Forward from Tim “ True freedom is not trying to get something; True freedom is when you don’t try to get anything. And enjoy the will, developing wisdom to help others 😄🙏 “ Wow.. there are so many amazing philosophies from your classes over the years.. thank you for helping me to realize for myself,