Six Bodhisattva Characters – First Four – Summary

Six Bodhisattva Characters Generosity, discipline, patience, concentration, meditation, wisdom Generosity Generosity means to share with or be kind towards other life. It is not to be blindly kind towards people as this can cause negative results, making them spoiled, greedy and lazy. So, generosity needs to be guided by wisdom. To be a generous person,

You can never reach Nirvana because Nirvana is always there

You can never reach Nirvana because Nirvana is always there. Full recording here: The following philosophy you haven’t learned. It is not your level. But if you never learn, you never know if it is your level or not! So give it a try. It is something I have learned many lifetimes, and still I

The 48 Incredible Wills of Amitabha Buddha

The 48 Incredible Wills of Amitabha Buddha. Will Number 15: Every consciousness in the Unlimited Joy Pure Land will develop Unlimited Lifetime ability Recording: Class In order to understand  such a deep and incredible will – Sifu uses some examples of how our human ideas of ‘lifetime’ are limited and how it is possible

Ten Ideas of Illusion

What is Illusion? Illusion is a power that can make a trick appear true and the true appear to be a trick, but can’t change what a trick is or what is true. Ego is Illusion Ego is illusion because it comes from your senses; whatever you take as ego and call “I” is actually

Self-Healing Meditation

Self-Healing meditation technique This meditation technique seems simple, but it is a deep wisdom for you to practice and develop until you can live in it naturally, joyfully without thinking. Relax your body to feel empty Recycle that empty feeling to create even more relaxed Bow to a Buddha or Bodhisattva you appreciate and respect. With