Meditation: Daoist martial art happiness

Meditation technique This meditation technique is called “Daoist-style Martial art happiness.” Here are the steps: Relax your body. Think of something that makes you smile. Can be a person, a situation from your memory, a feeling. Really transport your consciousness back there. For this use your senses to recreate that memory so you can feel it for


Karma is strongest causes and effect from all lifetimes. So to be in our position karma is already so lucky and great and spiritual relative Intention  – 84 000 a second tidal wave!! Aaaarg 🙂  – from desire from ego from blindness from not understand life fully yet – is just a seed, always there


Suffering – What does the word mean? Causes of suffering Suffering is created by our blindness and then received by our consciousness. Food is hot, you are hungry so you eat it and get burnt. Suffering has no form, you cannot describe its color, you cannot point at the suffering itself. Suffering has desire style,

Everything is Everything

The secret truth of life: Everything Is Everything Travel with me, to a story that my brain consciousness, that my memory power, that my thinking ability do not even want to take as possible. At same time logically I know that it is fact. But it just goes too far and then my brain consciousness

Wisdoms – App posts

StartFragment Buddhism teaches life is illusion, and who is aware of that, and why they aware of that, and for what function are they aware of that, and what goal of understanding that. Buddhism never try to break or go against someone’s logic. To go against creates another ego, share logic so other life is