Fake Vain

What Is Fake Vain? Simon: It’s like being proud of something you should be ashamed of. Sifu: That’s an overly strong way to put it, but it’s essentially correct. Sean Pig: Pretending you’re sure and that you know something you really know nothing about. Sifu: That’s also part of it. Sean Rat: Putting importance in

Hell Karma

The Five Unreleasable Hell Karmas Intention to kill Buddha Using Buddhism for greed Intention to kill Disrespecting your parents Disrespecting Buddhist philosophy or teachers

Ksitigarbha – Earth Store Bodhisattva – Hell Bodhisattva – Last Buddha

Ksitigarbha – Earth Store Bodhisattva – Hell Bodhisattva – Last Buddha Hell Bodhisattva appears as a bodhisattva but has reached Buddha level. Roger was my first student in Switzerland, and he had meditation power like me. I didn’t have to teach him much, only explain the system and he can already do the meditation. He