Diamond Sutra – Chapter One

Diamond Sutra – Chapter One The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra 1. The cause of the Dharma assembly Thus I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in the Jeta Grove of the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great bhikshus, twelve hundred fifty in all.

Diamond Sutra Introduction

Diamond Sutra Introduction   Diamond Sutra comes from Por Ler Philosophy Sutras.  And all this sutra have 10 different kinds. But together have 751 books. 600 Books belong to one kind which is called Greatest Por Ler Por Le means Wisdom or to reach the final goal of life. Or to reach Nirvana or to

Diamond Sutra – Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Nothing to get, nothing to say   “The system to become awakened is to help you free from every system, so there is actually no system. Like Tai Chi is a system, but when you reach Wuji you can create any form you want. There is no form. The form is to practice

Tai Chi High Level – Steam Hand

Tai Chi Cloud Hand Summary: First Ability – Procedure (Practice until this is natural ability.) All the things you know feel them, not think about them. Power from foot spring point, transition to centre but not straight up, curve up to centre, rotation style, but doesn’t have to twist. Twist take longer but create more

All philosophy is trying to help you reach the same goal

Listening Meditation from the Surangama Sutra – talks about consciousness has no form. So any form you are aware of is not consciousness. Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva has a system not to get lost by any form you are aware of. Heart Sutra says there is no wisdom to get. Diamond Sutra says “Wu ren”