The First Three Types of Bodhisattva level Spiritual Kindness   This book from Pure Name Buddha teaches thirty different types of kindness without ego. Another book teaches a thousand, and they are just examples. If you want to make your kindness power a hundred per cent pure, you can spend your whole life learning about kindness. We won’t try to learn thirty types

The Six Bodhisattva Characters

The Six Bodhisattva Characters are Generosity, Discipline, Patience, Concentration, Meditation, and Wisdom. The Six Bodhisattva Characters is another way to say “Bor Lor Me Duo” from the title of the Heart Sutra, “Pour Ler Bor Lor Me Duo Shing Ching”. Developing these characters develops your spiritual ability.

The Six Bodhisattva Characters: Generosity

The Six Bodhisattva Characters are Generosity, Discipline, Patience, Concentration, Meditation, and Wisdom. Let us delve deeper into the subject and it’s the relationship with freedom. Generosity Generosity means to share with or be kind towards others. It is not to be blindly kind towards people as this can cause negative results, making them spoiled, greedy,

True Love

Summary of True Love This passage describes love as a selfless, generous, and purifying force that helps us connect with and appreciate the beauty in the world around us. It also emphasizes the idea that true love is not bound by time or space, and is not limited to romantic or personal relationships. Instead, true