True freedom is not trying to get something – true freedom is when you don’t try to get anything.

Forward from Tim “ True freedom is not trying to get something; True freedom is when you don’t try to get anything. And enjoy the will, developing wisdom to help others 😄🙏 “ Wow.. there are so many amazing philosophies from your classes over the years.. thank you for helping me to realize for myself,

Whatever you connect to is whatever you are

Whatever you connect is whatever you are You connect to blindness you are that blindness. But that blindness is not you. Because blindness is not you, you have a chance to get away from it. If you connect to, ‘seeing-through your blindness’, awakening appears. Awakening is the result when you see-through blindness. Awakening is the

What is the best holiday?

For Anyone in Holiday or who just had holidays…   Best holiday is – Holiday from your blindness and ego Best paradise is – Natural Self-Being with pure kind, care, joy, and freedom

Emotion, Trust, and Freedom

The Heart Sutra is a test that teaches you how to become a bodhisattva or Buddha. It’s the true philosophy for learning Buddhism. Buddhism has many levels, some of which are called warm-ups. These are temporary-time Buddhist philosophies. It’s like when you have to trick a child into taking medicine. To trick them, you tell


Many people believe that consciousness (thinking power is called brain consciousness) is uniquely human. The French philosopher René Descartes proposed the philosophy of “I think, therefore I am”, but if that is the case then you don’t exist because when you were a baby, you couldn’t think. So that idea is wrong. Animals also don’t