True freedom is not trying to get something – true freedom is when you don’t try to get anything.

Forward from Tim “ True freedom is not trying to get something; True freedom is when you don’t try to get anything. And enjoy the will, developing wisdom to help others 😄🙏 “ Wow.. there are so many amazing philosophies from your classes over the years.. thank you for helping me to realize for myself,

Whatever you connect to is whatever you are

Whatever you connect is whatever you are You connect to blindness you are that blindness. But that blindness is not you. Because blindness is not you, you have a chance to get away from it. If you connect to, ‘seeing-through your blindness’, awakening appears. Awakening is the result when you see-through blindness. Awakening is the

You can never reach Nirvana because Nirvana is always there

You can never reach Nirvana because Nirvana is always there. Full recording here: The following philosophy you haven’t learned. It is not your level. But if you never learn, you never know if it is your level or not! So give it a try. It is something I have learned many lifetimes, and still I

The balanced way of consciousness development

1. Stay sharp without ambition: You can reach far. 2. Stay free without tension: You can understand more. 3. Hold nothing, but observe everything: You can see deeper.   Details: 1. Stay sharp without ambition you can reach far.   Example: Learning the Taiji martial art form: First get rid of fear and worry from