Por Ler Bor Lour Me Duor

1. POR LER BOR LOUR ME DUO SHING CHING   Por Ler: A general translation of this phrase would be “wisdom,” but this single word doesn’t cover the phrase’s full range of meaning. According to Buddhism, there are two basic types of wisdom. The first type of wisdom is to understand how to live human

Not the Same, not different

There is a famous Buddhism teaching that talks about three angles to see life. Each one can go so deep I could teach at least one year on each one, but I’m going to bring the basics together for the first simple idea.

Five Developments are Empty – another angle

Subject: Heart Sutra / Five Developments Topic: How to observe the Five Developments are empty Five developments are empty Five developments the final result in a blind way creates awareness boundary. It’s like blue and yellow create green colour, green colour is the awareness boundary. Awareness boundary is empty, which means our experience itself is

Relationship between Illusion Being and Consciousness

Five developments (illusion being, receiving, thinking, acting, and awareness) are empty: The concept of the five developments is one of the Buddha’s most famous teachings. It describes the idea that life has two parts united as one. The first part, Illusion being, describes the idea of all-existing forms, including empty space, light and darkness. The

A summary of the Heart Sutra

Is there a summary of the Heart Sutra? Answer The whole philosophy wants to help you reach one thing. The Five Developments are an introduction to spiritual development. They lay the foundation of spirits with one goal in mind: to help you see through illusion so your heart can become free, with no more boundaries,