Five Developments – Five Skandhas – are Empty

Five developments are Empty Because Illusion being is Empty So our feelings, thinking, Actions and experience are all Empty In Empty, Heart is free and Joy, out of Ego Dream illusion  and relief all suffering and pain, into No beginning No end Pure Dharma of Kindness Heart Begins.

How the Heart Sutra connects to the 8 Heart Kings

How the Heart Sutra connects to the 8 Heart Kings Heart equals awareness ability 8 heart king The heart has 8 functions Sutra – the Philosophy book of awakening The eternal truth of time, space and consciousness. Observing Self-Being Bodhisattva The highest Bodhisattva respectful calling Bodhisattva Developing Buddha awareness and compassion to help every life

Understanding the Heart Sutra: A Simple Guide

Understanding the Heart Sutra: A Simple Guide The Heart Sutra is a bit like a guidebook to understanding our own minds and the world around us. Imagine you’re playing a video game. In the game, you have missions to complete, obstacles to overcome, and rewards to gain. The Heart Sutra is like the instruction manual

Deciphering the Heart Sutra: A Journey to Spiritual Awakening

Deciphering the Heart Sutra: A Journey to Spiritual Awakening The Heart Sutra is the technique of how to awaken. The first two lines of the Heart Sutra immediately teach you two methods to awaken: Observing self-being 6 Bodhisattva characters. It then explains that if you genuinely practice these methods, you will realise that the five

What is the Heart Sutra? Heart Sutra Translation

What is the Heart Sutra? Heart Sutra Translation POR LER BOR LOUR ME DUO SHING CHING Wiki link here: This is the book of consciousness (true heart) philosophy for using wisdom to observe and be aware of the eternal truth of life. Observing Self-Being Bodhisattva developed deep wisdom to observe and be aware of the