Pure Name Buddha Extract

Pure Name Buddha Extract Take life as serious you already miss the meaning of life. Have ego you already miss the meaning of life. Life is illusion, what’s there to take as serious? If you do either of these you are lost in the illusion. Essence remains calm and unlimited joy, like tai chi –

6 stages to become Observing Self-Being Bodhisattva

6 stages to become Observing Self-Being Bodhisattva    If you understand the following wisdom then you understand the complete essence, function, goal of life. Your brain consciousness will know how to release all suffering and discover the unlimited happiness, which is nirvana. See through illusion – Purify Heart empty Self-Being See through “I” and “my”

Life Is Perfect

Introduction Sifu: From my studies and even before I began to study, I understood two things that match each other perfectly. The first thing I learned comes from Buddhism: life is perfect. Before I learned this, back when I was born, I carried a deep awareness by heart, a feeling of life: life is perfect.

No Beginning, No End Great Sun Buddha – Vairocana

No Beginning, No End Great Sun Buddha – Vairocana   Full spiritual name for bowing: No Beginning, No End Great Sun Buddha   Sanskrit Name: Vairocana. See wikipedia here.   Mantra: Lyrics: Om Namo Bhagavate Sarvate Gate, Varsuddhani Rajaya, Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya Arahate Sam Yak Sam Buddhaya, Ta Dya Tha Om Sodhani Sodhani

Everything is One, One is Everything

When I was young, just a teenager, I read many things from philosophy; many of these books I read were just ideas and beautiful words for me. They didn’t go into my head or heart. They sounded just too far away from normal life; it was like reading a fantasy book: they have nothing to