3 Types of Qi – Energy

Xue Qi (血气) Blood (Physical) Energy Jing Qi (精气) Marrow (Essence) Energy Ling Qi (灵气) Spiritual (Awaken) Energy

Immortal Meditation Technique

Immortal Meditation Technique Breathing and warm up Create temple hand pose As you breathe in rotate the pinky-finger side of the hands in towards the body and up like a ball in and up and then rolling away from you, pulling the low stomach in and lifting the chest up and forward gently and raising

10 Ways to leave the human body

10 Ways to leave the human body  Past karma Present life Causation – 6 different  Suicide Sickness War Overuse Accident/injury  Murder  (Devil and ghost 1 and 2) Neutral old age without sickness  Harmony energy training  Angry god energy training  Good ego energy god religion training  3 of 4 empty self being lifestyle meditation – Rohan 

Knowing by Heart

Knowing by Mind Whenever you think that you know something by mind, it’s actually a sign that you aren’t aware by heart; when you aware by heart, you don’t use your brain to think. When your heart is aware, you don’t have to use your brain anymore; you just do it, perfectly, by intuition. Your

The Law of Martial Art God: Top Secrets of Self-Defence

Let’s first compare martial art training to driving a racing car, before explaining the top secrets of self-defence. A well-trained martial art body (strong bone density, well-developed muscles, and flexibility) is the high-tech design of a racing car’s shape. The force of martial art (energy and speed) is the engine. The fighting technique (ability to