文殊心咒 Dragon Buddha Mantra

文殊心咒 Dragon Buddha  as (Greatest wisdom Bodhisattva Mantra) Om Ara Pa Za Na Deh 唵阿諾 巴扎 納德 唵 Om – 誠心皈依 Sincere open heart towards 阿諾 Ara – 空性大智慧 不生不滅 清淨無染 Greatest Empty Wisdom of Pure Essence No beginning No end 巴札 Pa Za – 空性平等 無有相對 Empty Essence Equal Heart No Relative Compare Heart 納德

The First Three Types of Bodhisattva level Spiritual Kindness

https://soundcloud.com/tim-fairweather-1/3-types-of-bodhisattva-kindness   This book from Pure Name Buddha teaches thirty different types of kindness without ego. Another book teaches a thousand, and they are just examples. If you want to make your kindness power a hundred per cent pure, you can spend your whole life learning about kindness. We won’t try to learn thirty types