Living into our own intention

Sifu joined some philosophies together to help me understand high level consciousness discipline – maybe called Being stage of discipline*: Causation > Main cause > Intention / thinking/ speaking / action 5 developments> Illusion Being, receiving, thinking, acting, awareness Life is perfect>  unlimited potential, 4 eternal hearts: Kind without ego, care without negative personal, joy

The balanced way of consciousness development

1. Stay sharp without ambition: You can reach far. 2. Stay free without tension: You can understand more. 3. Hold nothing, but observe everything: You can see deeper.   Details: 1. Stay sharp without ambition you can reach far.   Example: Learning the Taiji martial art form: First get rid of fear and worry from

True Love

Summary of True Love This passage describes love as a selfless, generous, and purifying force that helps us connect with and appreciate the beauty in the world around us. It also emphasizes the idea that true love is not bound by time or space, and is not limited to romantic or personal relationships. Instead, true