Pure Name Philosophy: The essence is already nirvana

Pure Name Philosophy So it’s not like there is a perfect essence called nirvana that you have to reach it. The essence is already nirvana. It remains always pure because it has no form. Because it has no form it is eternal. Because it is eternal and has no form it remains free. Because it

Om Mani Padme Hom

Definition of Om Mani Padme Hom (The Hom sound you shouldn’t close your mouth, it should take a while clearly and gently closed) They are 4 separate sounds but are connected as one perfect idea.   Om 4 sounds: First sound “Oargh” – Sound to represent all the suffering; Second sound – “Ohhh” – Sound

6 Unlimited Elements of Life

The universe is created by six unlimited elements.   And these six unlimited elements. Each one is mysterious. Each one is a trick of tricks. And each one is deep of deep. And each one looks obvious but no life truly aware of it. And anyone who is truly aware of it will become Bodhsattva

Wise connection – joyful being

Today’s philosophy 🙂 Wise connection – joyful being 1. Whatever we connect to is whatever we are going to be aware of. 2. Whatever we are aware of is whatever we are going to feel. 3. Observe through true wisdom – Choice of Connection will appear 4. Connect to wisdom Reading philosophy and Observing the

Why is Heart Sutra philosophy the fastest way to help people awaken?

Why is Heart Sutra philosophy the fastest way to help people awaken? As Red Bull remembers, Surangama Sutra say it’s the fastest system to help human be awakened to become Bodhisattva, which is true and correct. Heart Sutra ending has a sentence that says, the philosophy is the fastest way to help people awake .