Pure Four Eternal Heart intention

Pure – 4 eternal heart Intention ..  It Is the cause of Pure – Unlimited Joy 

Philosophy I is no I

Philosophy I is no I. It is not for one, but for everyone.  Because it is for everyone, but not any-one, so there is no I. No I meditation. No I, no stress, no worry, no drama. Unlimited joy will appear itself.

Beginner Buddhism Class – Schedule

Buddhism class Progression   1. Class one – Where does Buddhism come from / five ways it appears on Earth Religion style Cultural style Mental style Greed, fame style Practical wisdom style Bodhidharma story  Chi gong 6 steps to understand Buddhism   2. Class two Essence Function goal of Buddhism  Compare secret Story of Tim

Hold nothing

Hold nothing… It is the wisdom of  No beginning No end –  Unlimited joy

Sharing developing Dharma relationship

Sharing developing Dharma relationship.  It is called : Dharma wisdom partner, without ego possessive greed ..  The only True and Eternal relationship