Why is kindness the first eternal heart?

Question from Friday class: Why is kindness the first eternal heart? Generally – If you cannot be kind to yourself, you cannot be kind to others. If you cannot be kind to yourself, you will not have care towards anyone. Then wise choice will not appear, wisdom will not appear, greed will not go away

First Grounded Bodhisattva, Unlimited Compassion, Dharma Joy wisdom Self-being

The full respectful name is: First Grounded Bodhisattva, Unlimited Compassion, Dharma Joy Wisdom Self-being. You can’t break that title. This is the first stage of Bodhisattva awareness ability self-being. True awareness ability is true self being, we are actually being the ability we reach. -Shifu.

Definition of Essence – Another angle

Definition, function and goal of Essence    Definition of Essence: Means original.  Does not change. Does not come from combination, in fact it cannot come from anywhere – from itself or others.  Cannot be  created or destroyed.  Can be described but cannot be pointed out. Can be aware when consciousness is not trapped in awareness

Free to aware everything is eternal feeling

Feelings and eternity  Feeling is not eternity, because; it’s temporary and constantly changing.  Feeling is our idea of reality, for it comes from all kinds of combination. No individuality.  Greed to feel more is how we fall into reincarnation.  Feel all the feelings is illusion open the gate of emptiness. Feel empty is not to

Being more aware

Being more aware – depends how strong your heart is. Complete heart and True will equal all your power joined together. Strong will, becomes complete will. Able to discover by yourself. Heart is complete. Life should be completely joyful, but joyful without stupidity. When you aren’t greedy, possessive, wrong principle behind or stuck in searching