Tai Chi: Four Levels

There are four levels of Tai Chi 1. Condition Level Tai Chi Posture control Chi Gong Stretching Muscle balance development Release tension through acupuncture and massage 2. Healing Level Tai Chi Chi Gong Slow and easy Without explosion Make sure energy goes up not down 3. Martial Art Level Tai Chi All the first two

Tai Chi: Ten Advanced Disciplines

Hand flow: charge energy from chakras and spring, point wait for the energy to flow before moving the hand. Rotation discipline: before, during, and after any rotation keep shooting energy up from the spring point and seven chakras. Sinking move: sink naturally, waiting for the force of gravity, meanwhile remain shooting the energy up through

The Four Devils

In Buddhism, the Four Devils are: The Three Poison consciousness: Greed, Hate, and Stupidity Worry Fear of death Other peoples’ Three Poison consciousness We receive these devils and create suffering for ourselves. They block our vision like dirty sunglasses block our eyesight. The main difference is that we forget that we are seeing the world

The greatest news to all life: Life is perfect

Sifu The first part of the title is “The greatest news to all life” and the second is “Life is perfect”. That is truly the greatest news, but in reality we all know that all life is not perfect. We all experience a lot of suffering. I passed through a lot of suffering with broken

The balanced way of consciousness development

1. Stay sharp without ambition: You can reach far. 2. Stay free without tension: You can understand more. 3. Hold nothing, but observe everything: You can see deeper.   Details: 1. Stay sharp without ambition you can reach far.   Example: Learning the Taiji martial art form: First get rid of fear and worry from