Eternal Happiness
Eternal Happiness Every life is different – fish, animals, insects – but they all have something the same. They all search for happiness. For whatever they think will lead them to happiness. Give them pleasure, and make them feel content. Also to avoid suffering. Every life all have a chance to experience suffering – when
Everything is Everything
The secret truth of life: Everything Is Everything Travel with me, to a story that my brain consciousness, that my memory power, that my thinking ability do not even want to take as possible. At same time logically I know that it is fact. But it just goes too far and then my brain consciousness
Train your subconscious to help you experience Pure Land every day.
When I bow I actually try to feel there is a lotus flower blooming in every part of my body. It helps me transit into the posture to feel free in a beautiful, elegant and delicate feeling, I’m feeling joy right away and concentrate that even when my head touches the ground it won’t be that
Dragon Strength
Dragon strength – dragon breathe – dragon temper – dragon flow – dragon horns – dragon meditation Dragon Breathe technique to create space in your body to be aware of the energy of the universe by being aware of your own body universe. Through relaxed joyful concentration no searching awareness into every breath, don’t