Laser line balloon chest

Secrets of Tai Chi training Laser Line – aware back of head lifting up, puma stomach in to straighten / stretch the spine Laser line never stop – aware of this every second or you are not…. BEFORE every move, during every move can’t have other moves heavier than this centre force Laser line is

Tai Chi – 4 controls

Each move has a transition to where feet stop, then hands flow to finish in a pose Relax transition flow still has centre laser line balloon chest, but less charge than final pose Otherwise you build tension 4 Different angles of Tai Chi action control – to create Yin Yang Extreme Harmony Moving Meditation Charge

Free Self being

Free Self-Being “ I “ is not important “ Nothing “ is important Searching Heart Stop Searching Heart stop “ No I “ awareness appears With the eyes of no “ I “ Sky Eyes is Opening and aware of … Searching Heart looking for the magic in life. Awaken Heart aware life is magic.

Meridian Lines

A meridian in our body is just like a freeway through a city: it helps transfer various types of vehicles (information) to different areas. The connection points between meridian lines – the nerve points – are like freeway junctions which allow cars to pass through without blocking traffic. When a nerve point gets blocked, it