Eternal light is Amitabha created by his pure wise kindness heart

Friday summary Eternal light is AmitabhaCreating by his pure wise kindness heart Value eternal wisdom1 – Aware life is illusionHold nothingFree from blindness ego reincarnation Value true self essence2.- Wise choiceBack to pure joyful essenceOpen heart to share dharma joy Value awaken self being3 – Developing 4 eternalHeart 6 Bodhisattva charactersCreating kindness towards everyone 😊🙏🐉💚🍀

Limitless Heart

Friday Amitabha BuddhaClass summary Limitless Heart Life is an illusion dream ,Good dream strong ego hard to be awakenBad dream hard to get away, no wisdom to learn Human temporarysuffering dreamNothing worth to hold and Nothing possible can be holdSoHappy to be free from the dream bubble Pure kindness being is the awaken dream In

I am Pure Land Dharma

Friday Super Summary I am pure land Dharma My own blindness will not win me. I will purify myself and share it with the world. Internal pure land. No greedy, no rush, no ego behind to do it. Then your wave already matches Amitabha’s Buddha wave. Train pure heart now, not in the future. Become

Blind Habit I

Sunday Buddhism summary Blind habit I “Channel “ is where all kind of suffering coming from ..Developing spiritual philosophy, stretching I , relax I , Healing I , Chi-Kong I , Taiji I , Meditation I , No I to act – Wu Wei I ,4 eternal Heart I ,6 Bodhisattva – characters IAmitabha system

Observing no I

No I.No Human.No Lifeform.No Lifetime..Observing No I makes heart not support judgement I. Things should be like this, like that and so on..Heart becomes free and into a peaceful zone. No expectations just aware the awareness boundary. Aware it is temporary. Back to pure observing..Also aware how crazy 😜 (in a piang way) that is.