How to Truly understand the First and second Eternal Dharma Truths

How to Truly understand the First and second Eternal Dharma Truths Fastest Way Never let your blindness control you in any second anymore. You know all this appearing form is constantly changing, so don’t create any more ego in that. Instead create joyful, generous compassionate, harmony, positive, good intention spiritual heart towards every life. This

How to create a Will

How to develop will You want to reach awareness by heart, what you have to do is feel the philosophy and think about your life, life in general spend more time think about what is life. When I’m alone I think about what is life, feel what is life, include personal, my wisdom always rising.

A summary of the Heart Sutra

Is there a summary of the Heart Sutra? Answer The whole philosophy wants to help you reach one thing. The Five Developments are an introduction to spiritual development. They lay the foundation of spirits with one goal in mind: to help you see through illusion so your heart can become free, with no more boundaries,

Wisdoms – App posts

StartFragment Buddhism teaches life is illusion, and who is aware of that, and why they aware of that, and for what function are they aware of that, and what goal of understanding that. Buddhism never try to break or go against someone’s logic. To go against creates another ego, share logic so other life is

Observing Self-Being

The First Level of Self-Being Giant Dog: The first level of spiritual Self-Being is when a consciousness can see that the life they’re living, or “being”, is created by blindness from others. The consciousness awakens to realise that the life is created by blind karma or blind awareness in combination with the surroundings, then starts