Six Bodhisattva Character – Form

Generosity Steam your hands up – land right-hand lotus position on knee – left hand lotus slide down right shoulder Purify your heart like lotus. Use convenient wisdom. Purify others to become a new lotus. Another lifetime, stay with will. Purify your heart again. Connect to different life. Open your hand, open your heart. Help

Dictionary of Buddhism

Dictionary of Buddhism   Ability What is ability? Wisdom ability – see Wisdom Five eye abilities – See eyes / sky eyes   Action Four parts of causation | Five developments |   Amitabha  Website | Amitahba System What is | Sky eyes into | Appearing form All the appearing form |   Appearing

Why is Heart Sutra philosophy the fastest way to help people awaken?

Why is Heart Sutra philosophy the fastest way to help people awaken? As Red Bull remembers, Surangama Sutra say it’s the fastest system to help human be awakened to become Bodhisattva, which is true and correct. Heart Sutra ending has a sentence that says, the philosophy is the fastest way to help people awake .

Sincere Heart Into Amitabha Buddha Pure Land

Sincere Heart Into Amitabha Buddha Pure Land 1- Sincere heart creates pure heart: because sincere heart won’t lie to themselves or others and for that reason pure observing eternal truth heart will appear, except lie for protect others with a wise pure intention, but never lie for greed or ego reason. 2- Pure heart aware

Possessive vs Hold Nothing

Possessive create fear and worry, Hold nothing create freedom and joy. Whatever you own and are possessive to in the materials world it create a jail to hold onto you. Except if what you own is something meaningful. But it’s truly meaningful then you own nothing anyway. Instead, you offer. Because only true generosity, Kind