What is Por Le

Index: See Heart Sutra definition…   Unedited Notes from San Sifu: — 3 types of Por Le- Language Por le Observing Por le Awaken/ability Por le Every consciousness has, but without guiding from Buddha or Bodhisattva then it is does not appear. Therefor, it is hidden consciousness. Bodhisattva is already awakened, so heart is called

Dharma Observer wisdom

Observation 1. Observing Self-being Dharma creator Wisdom will always go with you, it’s an ability not an idea. As you challenge life it’s how you act react in every situation. If your wisdom is high and you can remain calm, positive and free from worry your calculation will be sharp to remain joyful and light.

No I eternal wisdom poem

No I, No others , No limitation- Observing self being Not Empty, Not illusion- being Not holding- Awaken 4 eternal hearts 😊🙏💚🐉 Wu Wo Wu Ren Guan Zhi Zai Pu Sa OC Class detail: No I, No others The spirits of all Buddhism including Amitabha system all there. You follow that you will become Observing

Book of Meditation Techniques – Pure Name Buddha

Book of meditation techniques Technique by Pure Name Buddha Name:  Bowing to Buddhas – 6 sense into Amitabha Buddha System   Summary Surangama sutra lists the 25 best meditation techniques for human level consciousness. Many are covered in this blog. 1. Appearing in all the Space Bodhisattva – future post to come 2. Great Force Bodhisattva -see

Blind feeling habits 

Most of the time – we live with our combination blind feeling habits We’re controlled by these blind suffering feelings and are not able to observe them because we don’t develop wisdom discipline to recreate positive joyful feelings. Discipline to observe self being and the truth of life. It is the main key to successfully