28 Wills of Hell Bodhisattva

28 Wills of Hell Bodhisattva. Reading and connection to receive. 1. Sky Dragon will Protect you. 2. Kindness and Good karma will develop more. 3. All the causation will develop into a spiritual direction. 4. All the Awaken will never go down. 5. Will never have to worry about material. 6. Will never have a

Tao and Intention

Tao and Intention   A simple way to describe Tao is Head Leader.  Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a power leading life. It mysteriously leads every life. If you are not aware, you are lost—you will be like the weak animal in the pack that the predator will eat for

Various Taiwan Tai Chi Tips

Chi gong tree dantien – twist off that don’t create more stuff Wind taiji 3 Story Sifu Feel with everything master story Breathing awareness otherwise blindness – create procedure, dragon breathe meditation into Amitābha Buddha Taiji – directly create Chi gong – charging build centre line Tai chi 1 – absorbing power – more open

Observation – Observing Self-being Dharma creator

Observation – Observing Self-being Dharma creator Wisdom will always go with you, it’s an ability not an idea. As you challenge life it’s how you act react in every situation. If your wisdom is high and you can remain calm, positive and free from worry your calculation will be sharp to remain joyful and light. So

Positive Attitude and Intention

A lot of the time if you want to get rid of negative you directly have to do something positive. A lot of the time I spend thinking about how am I going to help this earth, how am I going to join our force create something to help humans. Less ego, less greedy, less