Buddhism Key Word Definitions – draft

Definitions   Definition of Awareness Creates our feeling about life. The result from whatever we connect to in life (Illusion being, receiving, thinking, and action.) The 5th Development (From Five developments philosophy)   Definition of Awareness boundary What we live in every second. We can only feel what we are aware of and nothing more.

Order of Meditation Techniques:

Order of Meditation Techniques: Training Why is training the first one? Because any power in life comes from training. In life we can reach anything through training – some things need one lifetime, others need a million lifetimes to reach. It depends on how deep the power is. It is possible to train towards becoming

Everyday is a good day

If you make wise choices, everyday is a good day. Being born into a human body means this lifetime you have the chance to use your thinking power and intelligence to analyse life again, and rise your spirits. Everyday is that chance. If you’re born as an animal you don’t have this chance, if you’re


Karma is strongest causes and effect from all lifetimes So to be in my position karma is already so lucky and great and spiritual relative Intention  – 84 000 a second tidal wave!! Aaaarg 🙂  – from desire from ego from blindness from not understand life fully yet – is just a seed, always there

Dharma Class

Dharma class Essence / Consciousness – all life the same. Has no form so cannot be different.   (Essence of awareness ability is consciousness) You me Buddha all same. Potential of all life same . Definition of essence – something that never changes. Definition of consciousness – the force which exists as potential to be

Highest level of Patience:

Highest levels of Patience: No need to be born patience. This patience is a consciousness that reached a level that is soon going to becoming Buddha and be aware of all. No beginning, No end patience. This patience is Buddha level and is aware of all. In summary or a more practical means to understand

28 Wills of Hell Bodhisattva

28 Wills of Hell Bodhisattva. Reading and connection to receive. 1. Sky Dragon will Protect you. 2. Kindness and Good karma will develop more. 3. All the causation will develop into a spiritual direction. 4. All the Awaken will never go down. 5. Will never have to worry about material. 6. Will never have a


Information: Life is divided up to into two different parts One is the power we use to be aware of everything, which is the awareness ability – consciousness, and whatever consciousness is aware of is our body and its surroundings. Our body and surroundings are all part of space. When the space is moving and

Awakening steps of a Spiritual Consciousness

Awakening steps of a Spiritual Consciousness 1st Level: Desire/ Curiosity to question and understand all aspects of life. 2nd Level: Passion to continue to question and understand life. Passion power tells you to not give up on your quest for wisdom and understanding, and to keep asking questions until you understand the answer. 3rd Level:

Intention Thinking and Speaking

Intention Thinking and Speaking When I was young I learned the idea – at the time, mentally I couldn’t grasp it, but sub-consciously I could understand it. To be aware of another person you have to be aware of their character, ability and their behavior with their speaking and intention. In that idea – these

6 different causes for experiencing and developing a magical force

6 different causes for experiencing and developing a magical force Through developing and training concentration Through being born with the consciousness ability Through listening to and singing a mantra with sincere heart Through using herbs or medicines to make the energy run stronger Through having the correct karma, being ready to learn and meeting someone

Tao and Intention

Tao and Intention   A simple way to describe Tao is Head Leader.  Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a power leading life. It mysteriously leads every life. If you are not aware, you are lost—you will be like the weak animal in the pack that the predator will eat for

Law of Consciousness

Law of Consciousness One day one very high level Bodhisattva came to ask Buddha, ‘How does a consciousness become a Buddha?’ Then Siddhartha Buddha taught The Law of Consciousness. Life is like these two systems, Mirror System, and Steady Centre Station system. Mirror System: It’s called Reflection. You, as a consciousness, are not able to


Blindness The blind man elephant example, is used to show that truth is only the truth when it is complete. If you have one or two parts of many, you will never get the complete truth, only one side of it. So this is why when we analyse we need to analyse from many different