First Joy
First Joy Everything is constantly changing Appear and disappear Observing self-being, free from both Joy of no beginning no end appear 😊🙏
First Joy Everything is constantly changing Appear and disappear Observing self-being, free from both Joy of no beginning no end appear 😊🙏
The eternal force of life in both sides Never appears, Never disappears. Always changing, Always exist. Not the same, Not different. Never come, Never go. 😊🙏
Kindness towards yourself Kindness towards yourself is the foundation of kindness towards every life.. 😄💚 Think of a positive activity to enjoy your life today and share that joy with others 😊🙏 For more posts on kindness towards yourself, see: True kindness meditation 3 Kinds of kindness.. Short Summary Bodhisattva Ability – Double Kindness
Can you please help me to understand what the sentence: “life is constantly changing from our deep intention” Means? I think I get it, but it sounds deeper than I think I understand it 😊🙏🏼 — If the heart is full of seeds of fear, it will never become a brave heart fruit. If the
The eternal truth of life The eternal truth of life The eternal truth of life is all forms that appear are constantly changing, so everything can be seen as true and not-true, at the same time. Because everyone sees their own truth, in their own limited angles. Because it is eternally changing,