Learning Amitabha Buddha Pure Land Wills from the beginning, again

Learning Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land Wills from the beginning, again. First, we watched the Amitabha Buddha 48 Wills Video – Link Sifu talked about the purpose of this new set of classes is to learn to develop the skill of meditation. Where in regular life we can connect to our pure heart essence, and connect

True Dharma

True Dharma True Dharma is not good or bad, it allows our consciousness to learn and create either way. True Dharma can appear as anything but is not anything. True Dharma is not anything so it is not stuck anywhere. True Dharma can become anything that’s why life is incredible. Awaken consciousness can use True

The Three-Word Secret of Supreme Meditation

無上禪定三字訣 「鬆、空、通」 鬆 – 中正舒適 身體放鬆 空 常樂我淨 心思放空 通 靈覺現前 無師自通 The Three-Word Secret of Supreme Meditation “Song, Kong, and Tong” Loose – Comfortable body relax Empty – Always happy and clean Empty mind Pass – Spiritual awareness appears self-taught

Riddle of No-I

“ I “can not come from I. “ I “can not come from others. If there is “ No I ”, then who is aware of No I? If “ I “ am aware of no I,  where does I come from? Incredible Dharma Middle Way

True Heart

True Heart We are currently involved in blind reincarnation causation. Four eternal hearts, and six Boddhisattva character causation is beyond blind causation as True Heart Self-Being Therefore, free from reincarnation.