3 Kinds of kindness.. Short Summary

From book 30 types of kindness – to help Bodhisattva develop. Summary 1. True kindness Waiting for right timing Timing to find seeds ready to grow. Help them learn the truth of life, show them kindness and wisdom to learn life 2. Equal kindness  Aware all life has the same essence. You’re not scared anymore,

Where does life come from?

Where does life come from? The Intention of Consciousness There are three types of Consciousness: Brain-Consciousness: This relates to your senses from 1 – 6: Smell Taste Touch Hearing Thinking (In Buddhism, Thinking is the 6th sense. This is where your Logic power comes from) Sub-Conscious: The sub-conscious relates to both Desire and Emotion, and

Definition of Humble

Definition of Humble   Human style: Cause of humble from human style can be from: lack of self sure, or impressed and admire of others, as well as logically aware there is something more to learn. Another type is forced to be forbearance humble.   Monk Style: Monk is searching to be empty and purify


WISDOM Using wisdom in everything, everywhere and in every present If you don’t use them, it is just like you never had it True wisdom, true being 😊 Wisdom will always go with you, it’s an ability not an idea. As you challenge life it’s how you act react in every situation. If your wisdom