No wisdom no life
Life is about learning life. If you don’t understand life then you are only living, as a living ghost. Buddhism call that blind act. No wisdom no life.
Life is about learning life. If you don’t understand life then you are only living, as a living ghost. Buddhism call that blind act. No wisdom no life.
From Tim Here’s my summary from last nights class 🙂 No complaining, 🙄😩😒 Enjoy appreciation heart☺👏🤙💚 Complaining you become the donkey🐴 trapped walking in circles forever 😳 Appreciation heart ✨ become the unlimited bright sun ☀ to warm everyone 🌺 All the Buddha’s say Amitabha Buddha Pure Land Karma is the most amazing and lucky
Moving Meditation Course 1 We exist like one drop of rain drop in the sky. And the birth is from the clouds, falling to the earth become part of the waterfall and exciting rush into the river and then flow to the unknown ocean. This drop seems individual but also connected to every other drop
Found this explanation of suffering as a note in my phone. So clear and detailed. We talked about suffering and the four noble truths in class last night so it was really nice to read this first thing this morning. So clear, so complete, so awesome 🙏🏼😊🕉☯☸🙂What is the Buddhist idea of suffering? Suffering basically
Here’s a philosophy development map GD and I wrote out leading up to our first ever practical wisdom Wednesday class. We were so nervous that we wanted to write a syllabus out to make sure we had something to revert back to if / when our brains froze up. Really interesting to reread it now