Blindness is our teacher

With 3 eternal truth to observe BlindnessThen blindness is a teacher , organic fertilizer to grow lotus wisdom 😊🙏

How to See through illusion

Anything internal external which is not going to help you see through blind greed illusion , let it go .. because will cause you reincarnation suffering.. And any wisdom can helping you develop awaken heart in a pure karma.. put strength into it😊🙏☯️☸️🕉

5 development

5 development First developmentAll the appearing form is temporary changing illusion Take out all the blindness towards it, then all the other developments will follow it and become pure. Through that we surely able toout of reincarnation. Back to essence is in the presentUntil natural being no beginning no end appears.😊🙏☯️🕉☸️

What is pure?

Pure existingPure curiosityPure observingPure wisdomPure disciplinePure compassionPure convenient wisdomPure land system

No 2 Summary –

Level 1 Not follow greedy ego – greed for illusion keeps you trapped in reincarnation.No fear of illusion – fear of illusion means you don’t understand life is illusion.Internal pure land – create pure logic, internal wisdom power to be free from the first two. Level 2 Life is perfect – no such thing as