What is Beyond – God?

What is God? God from a human view? What is beyond God? First level beyond God Final level beyond God What is the human view of God? God is a word and a sound with a feeling of something to represent beyond our understanding. It can also represent a being with a level of ability,

Life is illusion – so what is the worst case?

Life is illusion What is the worst case?🤔We came from nothing, back to nothing and lose nothing. And what is theBest case 😃💪We can develop unlimited wisdom from nothing.😊💚☸️☯️🕉🐲

8 true Dao – noble eightfold path

8 True Dao True Dharma Our action is influenced by our thought.Only understand the eternal truth of life, our spiritual karma can appear. True observation We can only aware true Dharma through pure logic observing ability. True speaking Speaking precise with eternal wisdom, can constantly awaken our heart. True action Discipline to guide our action

Awareness Boundary – The word ‘feelings’ is equal to the word ‘experience.’

Awareness Boundary – The word ‘feelings’ is equal to the word ‘experience.’   Awakening is a process where you are always looking back to see you did not see clearly before.    The word feelings is equal to what Buddhism calls our awareness boundary   Even when you blackout, you are aware you missed something.

Relax is the easy way to enjoy life in each present

Relax is the easy way to enjoy life in each present 🎁 But never easy free to be relax Being relax is the highest art ofSelf-being meditation ☯️ Relax is not being lazy, but a powerful wisdom to be free from blindness stress of all causations ☸️ In Amithaba Buddha pureland eternal relaxing meditation with