All the suffering can disappear

All the suffering ,worry , and fearCan be disappear Because they are illusion Illusion is always changing With Amithaba Buddha and our Will together as double Will It becomes the strongest wisdom filter of life To change greed hate stupid poison muddy dirt BecomeWisdom pure lotusSeeds Eternal wise choiceOne heat one intention Into Amithaba Buddha

Life is illusion as one heart two gates

Friday class summary Life is illusion as one heart 2 gets We can only exit in Blind suffering ReincarnationOrAwaken unlimited joy pure-land See through blindness illusion Connect to eternal wisdom Back to essenceFree from ego DevelopingKind , Care , Joy, and Free Creating true Will One heart one intention into Amithaba pureland 😊🙏☸️🕉☯️💚🐉

Awaken from 1 Heart 2 Gate. Both sides.

Awaken from 1 Heart 2 Gate. Both sides. What is Blind Heart ? What is Spiritual Heart ? Blind Heart is the seed of acting with our ego feeling. Seeing life in a negative view through the ego key hole. With worry and fear and create greedy anger thought. And fall into a complaining habit.

Blindness has no cause

Blindness has no cause, but blindness is the cause of all problems Suffering has no end , if we see life from the view of problems Joy is unlimited, if we are the center of wisdom and kindness hear😊☸️☯️💚🐉

Dharma Rain Drops

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Dharma rain 🌧 freely drops don’t want to hold become a wild water dragon waterfall 🐉ThenTimeless dharma wheel river rollInto no beginning no end ocean willThenSteam up independent awaken and help others all☸️☯️😀🐉💚🙏 [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]