Taiji Notes

Taiji Notes Cat walk Puma stomach Lion chest Eagle eyes

Three Eternal Dharma Truth 三法印 (Three Marks of Existence)

Three Eternal Dharma Truth 三法印 諸行無常 All the appearing forms of dharma are constantly changing. 諸法無我 Change cannot change itself; change comes from others. Because it comes from others, there is no individual self, but it can still appear. That’s why it’s an illusion. 涅槃寂靜 The essence of dharma remains calm and unlimited, cannot be

Poem of Awakening Water Dragon

Poem of Awakening Water Dragon I meditate and become the dragon river No care for any goal, just free to flow Here I am happy to roar and enjoy every amazing step of Sky Zen martial arts roll Collide with the magic rocks, but nothing can stop me go go go Not even Mystical -Time

Free self being – No two

Free self-being No two = No I, No human, No life forms, No lifetime. Because No greed No worries No stress No fear Heart is pure and free to create unlimited dharma joy 😄💚🍀☸️☯️

Riddle of No-I

“ I “can not come from I. “ I “can not come from others. If there is “ No I ”, then who is aware of No I? If “ I “ am aware of no I,  where does I come from? Incredible Dharma Middle Way