Book of Meditation Techniques – Pure Name Buddha

Book of meditation techniques Technique by Pure Name Buddha Name:  Bowing to Buddhas – 6 sense into Amitabha Buddha System   Summary Surangama sutra lists the 25 best meditation techniques for human level consciousness. Many are covered in this blog. 1. Appearing in all the Space Bodhisattva – future post to come 2. Great Force Bodhisattva -see

Pure Name Buddha Extract

Pure Name Buddha Extract Take life as serious you already miss the meaning of life. Have ego you already miss the meaning of life. Life is illusion, what’s there to take as serious? If you do either of these you are lost in the illusion. Essence remains calm and unlimited joy, like tai chi –

How to make discipline successful

Sifu teaching from Pure Name Buddha book. Discipline How to make discipline successful. For discipline to be successful it is through a willing and joyful heart. How to create a willing and joyful heart? Willing heart comes from pure logic to observe eternal wisdom and be aware of the true meaning and value of life.

8 Spiritual Hearts for not getting polluted

Date Class:  20140704 Name of philosophy:  8 Spiritual Hearts for not getting polluted Function:  To build foundation to help pre-Bodhisattva consciousness help other life without getting themselves polluted.  Goal: At first, experience beginner/developing stage of Perfect Four Eternal Hearts. Then chance to  go to Amitabha Buddha Pure Land. Final to reach Awakened Perfect Unlimited Awareness Buddha. Detail: Kindness without Ego Caring without negative

Pure Name Philosophy: The essence is already nirvana

Pure Name Philosophy So it’s not like there is a perfect essence called nirvana that you have to reach it. The essence is already nirvana. It remains always pure because it has no form. Because it has no form it is eternal. Because it is eternal and has no form it remains free. Because it