How to develop and create Bodhisattva Character of Discipline from Pure Name Buddha.

Teaching from Shifu at Switzerland by the amazing, beautiful, zen Waterfall: How to develop and create Bodhisattva Character of Discipline from Pure Name Buddha. DISCIPLINE The way to create discipline is to continually create new disciplines and develop the ones already created. That way the life habit becomes more and more disciplined. Practice disciplines without

Joyful No Ego Meditation – What does it mean back to perfect?

Joyful no ego meditation – What does it mean back to perfect? It is from Pure Name Buddha book – it has taken me years to practice this. Main thing it teaches, * Our ego thinks that life is not perfect, * It is our ego that makes life not perfect; * It is our

Direct heart, Deep Heart and Sincere Heart

From Pure Name Buddha Book – Taught by Siddhartha Buddha 1. Direct heart – No searching, no holding – Use eternal wisdom to observe the essence. Then it’s becoming aware of eternal, to be eternal force. No longer just aware of temporary, limited life. – Human level live in searching, holding, lost blind doubt. 2.

Pure Name Buddha – Vimalakirti

Pure Name Buddha – Vimalakirti   Full Spiritual name for Bowing: “Holy Incredible, Unspeakable, Unthinkable, Completely Free, Pure Name Buddha.”   Sanskrit: Vimalakirti 淨名 / 維摩詰     Sutra: Vimalakirti Sutra – Link here: Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra   Teachings: Book of Meditation Techniques – Pure Name Buddha Pure Name Buddha Extract Pure Name Philosophy: The

Greatest Wisdom Dragon Buddha – Manjusri

Full spiritual name for bowing: Unbelievably wise, unthinkable 10 Dragon wills, Greatest Wisdom Dragon Buddha 文殊菩薩心咒 Wénshū púsà xīn zhòu Sanskrit: Manjushri. See wikipedia here.     Mantra: Soundcloud:   Mantra words: Sanskrit: Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih English pronunciation: Om Ah Rah Pah Sah Nah Jay   Wills: GREATEST WISDOM DRAGON BUDDHA