Incredible Wisdom Pure Name Buddha

Pure Name Buddha statue Incredible Wisdom Pure Name Buddha The philosophy in The background : Incredible Incredible True heart See through all illusion Dharma, Free from all Relative, No thinking, No questions, Hold nothing, Into No Two awaken wisdom being, And aware of unlimited Pure land kindness Dharmas ☸🙏😊

From Pure Name Buddha Vimalakirti: No 2

From Pure Name Buddha Vimalakirti: No 2   “Every drop of rain is different, but once it drops into the ocean, it becomes all the same. Final essence consciousness: we are the same. Our hearts, all life forms, and Buddha are all the same. The difference is that Buddha is aware of all life forms

Nothing has nothing

Nothing has NothingAwaken Heart is restingBack to harmony CreationInto Amitabha Pure – LandSpiritual will is everything😊🙏☯️☸️🕉🐉💚

Tai Chi and Amitabha Buddha System

Tai Chi and Amitabha Buddha System Recording of class here: Class 27/12/2019

Four Element Temple

Four Element Temple Four Element Temple has no feelings /free self creating into One heart one intention- into Amitabha Buddha Pure Land No ego Let the the wind nature blow without I No searching heart Let the blood easy flow without trying No time Let the fire gently burn without hurry No tension Let the