Meditation in Regular Life

Introduction Meditation is an ability we can develop through practice in regular life. The Foundation of Meditation, according to the Bodhisattvas Meditation’s foundation lies in unifying key traits: generosity, discipline, patience, and concentration. When practised together with wisdom, these characteristics form the bedrock of a meaningful meditative practice. This is known as the 6 Paramitas

[動禪涅槃 Moving – Meditation Nirvana

[ 動禪涅槃 ] Moving – Meditation Nirvana You can listen here:   生為動,命是禪。 Life is moving; Living is Zen. 所有生物以動為生。 All living things live by moving. 不動而亡故稱動物。 Animals mean the motion of objects because they will die once moving stops. 欲動為本,體動為形。 Desire is the root; Action is the form. 情動故群聚,意動成所思。 Emotions join all life gather

What is Meditation?

What is Meditation? Meditation is to help us succeed meditation has no success or failureMeditation free from an IMeditation train no IBut finally can create any I to match every ICreate four eternal hearts I – in every present Om.

Relax Meditation – Awakening Meditation

鬆為,中正舒適、身體放鬆。 空是,常樂我淨、心思放空。 通則,靈覺現前、無師自通。 Relax meditation. Train our body Tension-Free, and develop the art of moving meditation. Empty meditation. Free our mind and back to the essence of eternal joy and pure heart. Awakening meditation. Open heart observing the eternal truth of life, Wise Self-being.

Meditation: 3 Ways to Change Our Life Frequency

Meditation: 3 Ways to Change Our Life Frequency Summary of Changing Our Life Frequency Everything in life is a frequency, and humans exist in a 6-sense frequency. Meditation can help individuals break the limitations of human frequency and connect to different frequencies. Tai Chi is a frequency that helps with moving meditation and training in

8 true Dao – noble eightfold path

8 True Dao True Dharma Our action is influenced by our thought.Only understand the eternal truth of life, our spiritual karma can appear. True observation We can only aware true Dharma through pure logic observing ability. True speaking Speaking precise with eternal wisdom, can constantly awaken our heart. True action Discipline to guide our action

Meditation and Wuji

The idea of meditation is that at the end you understand the system of how the universe works. How life force work and you match that system. Imagine that system becomes all of your consciousness – body/subconsciousness, brain consciousness, I consciousness and hidden consciousness. This can be applied to whatever system. For example Tai Chi


9TH LEVEL OF MEDITATION – TECHNIQUE Poem: 觀自在 不生不滅 無上法 Observing Self being No birth No death No above wisdom 觀世間法,非如來法 還一切因緣,解脫輪迴。 Observing the world No true essence Return all causation Free from reincarnation 觀幻身法,非四大法 離生老病死,法身常淨。 Observing , illusion body Not the 4 elements Away from birth, ageing illness and death Dharma body always pure

8 Stage Meditation Levels

Eight stage meditation Change trouble to incredible Only Brave Heart make Life exciting and easy to pass even there are trouble. Choose developing kindness heart makes life becoming warm and friendly and spiritual Will is possible. Wise choice from heart ,away from blind habit ego and negative suffering karma, is powerful , but directly creating

True kindness meditation

True kindness meditation True kind to self first. True kind to be aware of the eternal truth. Not try to be aware. Eternal truth is eternal kind, truth is eternally patient there waiting for you to be aware of it for that reason it is eternally kind. Essence is always pure, always able to help