Deciphering the Heart Sutra: A Journey to Spiritual Awakening

Deciphering the Heart Sutra: A Journey to Spiritual Awakening The Heart Sutra is the technique of how to awaken. The first two lines of the Heart Sutra immediately teach you two methods to awaken: Observing self-being 6 Bodhisattva characters. It then explains that if you genuinely practice these methods, you will realise that the five

What is the Heart Sutra? Heart Sutra Translation

What is the Heart Sutra? Heart Sutra Translation POR LER BOR LOUR ME DUO SHING CHING Wiki link here: This is the book of consciousness (true heart) philosophy for using wisdom to observe and be aware of the eternal truth of life. Observing Self-Being Bodhisattva developed deep wisdom to observe and be aware of the

Life is a journey and a journey is an illusion.

Life is a journey. Life is a journey and a journey is an illusion. Enjoying this illusion comes from not chasing because the destination is the present. What to do in the present? Practice Observing Self-Being Because the present is always changing, observing it is always fresh and new. But our suffering can keep on

Amazing 7 Chakras: The Energy Centers of the Body

7 Chakras The body has important energy centres called chakras that impact physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. The Body’s Meridians and Nerve Points Before delving into the concept of chakras, it’s essential to have a grasp of meridians and nerve points. In our body, meridians serve as a network of freeways, facilitating the transfer

3 Releasing Gates of Buddhist Wisdom

Introduction to Emptiness In this post, we will explore the concept of “releasing gates of wisdom” pertaining to the Buddhist teachings of emptiness, illusion, and the lack of a self. Summary of Emptiness The key points covered in this post are that all appearance is empty, all appearance form has no form, and all appearance